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Restaurant Kitchen Fire Safety

In a bustling culinary world, fire suppression systems are crucial for the safety of both the kitchen and the dining hall. With special attention to Mongolian BBQ restaurants in San Diego, California, we will explore the high-level fire protection measures needed. So, let’s discover how an experienced fire suppression expert can design the perfect system while keeping local fire codes in mind. With this information, you can ensure the safety of your restaurant.

Fire Safety of Restaurant Dining Room

When it comes to restaurant kitchen fire safety, we can’t forget about the safety of the dining room as well. The restaurant’s success relies on the satisfaction and safety of its customers. So, here are some important fire safety measures for restaurant dining rooms.

Means of Egress

Primarily, we need to ensure that customers can evacuate quickly and safely in case of an emergency. This means having enough exits and exit doors that are wide enough for multiple people to pass through at once. It’s also important that these doors swing in the proper direction, allowing for a smooth and swift exit. And let’s not forget about the layout of the dining room. Tables should be arranged in a way that doesn’t obstruct the evacuation route, making it easy for people to get to safety. To further aid in a smooth evacuation, clearly marked exits are essential.

Fire Alarms

Next up, fire alarms. These are crucial for alerting patrons of a fire in the building. Fire alarms should have automatic smoke detection, so they can quickly signal the presence of a fire. Additionally, having a manual operation option with a pull handle is important, as it allows for immediate action in case of a fire.


Lastly, we can’t ignore the effectiveness of sprinkler systems. While the need for sprinklers may vary depending on factors such as construction type or building materials, having a sprinkler system is always a good idea. Not only do they help extinguish the fire automatically, but they also prevent the fire from spreading, minimizing the damage and protecting the lives of both customers and employees.

So, when it comes to restaurant fire safety, let’s not overlook the importance of a safe dining room. By ensuring proper means of egress, having reliable fire alarm systems, and considering the installation of sprinklers, we can create a safer environment for both customers and restaurant staff.

Fire Safety of Restaurant Kitchen

When it comes to fire safety, the restaurant kitchen takes center stage. With high cooking temperatures, open flames, flammable materials, and equipment that is often not properly maintained, it’s no surprise that most fires in restaurants start here. In Mongolian BBQ restaurants, fire safety is no joke. That’s why they employ three crucial components of fire suppression in their kitchens.

Wet-chemical extinguishing system

There is the wet-chemical extinguishing system that not only operates automatically but can also be manually used. This chemical cools and separates the oil from the air, preventing the fire from spreading.

Class-K fire extinguisher

This portable device is perfect for tackling cooking-related fires, with a flame retardant that is specifically formulated for kitchens.

Kitchen Hood

The kitchen hood ensures that smoke is efficiently ventilated outdoors.

To keep these fire safety measures effective, regular cleaning, inspection, and maintenance is key. By doing so, restaurants can minimize the risk of kitchen fires and ensure the safety of their employees and customers.

Unique Fire Safety Challenge of Mongolian BBQ Restaurants

One unique fire safety challenge that Mongolian BBQ restaurants face is the placement of their stir fry grill in the dining area. This means that much of the kitchen fire suppression equipment needs to be in the same area too. However, it must not look too industrial and disrupt the restaurant’s decor.

When it comes to restaurant kitchen fire safety, it’s crucial to have proper fire suppression and protection systems in place. This is especially important in places like Mongolian BBQ restaurants, where cooking equipment poses a higher risk. Remember, ensuring the safety of your kitchen is the key ingredient to a successful dining experience. Stay safe, and happy cooking!

Preventing Restaurant Flooding with Masonry

Our restaurant had always been free from any water flooding or structural issues. However, after an unprecedented heavy rainfall that brought over 7 inches of water within two days, we were forced to confront two weaknesses. The first was a flaw in our foundation’s waterproofing, and the second was a deficiency in our property’s ability to drain water away from the building. As a result, we embarked on two crucial projects: waterproofing our foundation and altering the grading to ensure water was directed away from our beloved restaurant. Here’s how we did it.

Waterproofing Foundation

We had a pretty big issue at our restaurant recently. After heavy rainfall, we started noticing some leaks in our foundation. Turns out, not only was water draining towards the building, but we also had some cracks in the foundation that were letting water seep into the basement.

Thankfully, we found a foundation waterproofing company that came to the rescue. They had a plan to fix the cracks and waterproof the foundation. First, they excavated the ground around the perimeter of the building to expose the foundation. Then, they sealed up all the cracks they found. After that, they attached this waterproof membrane to the outside of the foundation to act like a protective shield. And finally, they backfilled the trench they had dug.

Now, that took care of waterproofing the foundation, which was a huge relief. But we still had one more issue to tackle. We needed to make sure that water would not drain towards the building anymore. We did some research and found some solutions for that too.

Fixing the Water Drainage

We had some serious water leakage issues. It all started after heavy rainfall when the owners discovered that water was seeping into the building through the foundation. Turns out, the rear of the property was a hill that directed all the water towards the building. And to make matters worse, the walkway along the building was sloping towards it instead of away from it.

Now, this problem has gone unnoticed for quite some time because, during normal rainfalls, there was not any noticeable water entering the building. But once the heavy rain hit, it became very apparent that something needed to be done.

The solution they produced was not just about fixing the problem, but also adding more function and aesthetics to the restaurant. They hired a stone mason to cut into the hill and construct a beautiful stone and mortar retaining wall. This not only solved the drainage issue but also added a touch of decoration to the area.

But that’s not all! By removing part of the hill, they were able to create a patio for the restaurant. The mason laid down a stunning brick patio, which is now used for outdoor seating. This provided a great benefit to their customers and the extra seating meant more dining revenue for the restaurant.

In addition, the walkway was dug up and replaced with a brand new brick walkway that was sloped properly to drain water away from the building. The mason did an exceptional job ensuring that there was proper water drainage, while also making it look attractive.

Overall, these measures not only solved the problem of water leakage but also added more functionality and aesthetic appeal to the restaurant’s outdoor area. The stone retaining wall and brick patio now provide a beautiful backdrop for diners enjoying their meals outside. The properly sloped walkway ensures that water doesn’t accumulate near the building, preventing any future water damage.

With the waterproofing measures taken, we are optimistic that the restaurant’s foundation will remain dry during heavy rainfall. We are confident in the effectiveness of the work done.

What to Expect on Your First Visit to Mongolian BBQ

If you’ve never been to a Mongolian BBQ restaurant, get ready for an amazing experience! In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about Mongolian BBQ and what to expect during your first visit. Let’s get started!

Mongolian BBQ Isn’t Actually from Mongolia

You might assume that Mongolian BBQ originated in Mongolia, with all those references to Genghis Kahn and stories about fierce Mongolian warriors. But here’s the thing – that’s not true at all! Mongolian BBQ originated in Taiwan. It was invented by a Chinese man who moved to Taipei and could not name his new way of cooking after anything in China, so he named it after Mongolia. Pretty interesting, right? Now let us get into what you can expect when you visit a Mongolian BBQ restaurant.

If you’re curious about real Mongolian cooking, KQED gives us the glimpse into the this special art of cooking. 

The Ambience is Unique

When you first walk into a Mongolian BBQ restaurant, you cannot help but notice the decor. It is unlike most restaurants you’ve been to in America. Some places go all out with imagery of Ghengis Kahn and Mongolian warriors adorning the walls, really setting the scene for a dining experience like no other. Others take a lighter approach, with bright colors and joyful decor that instantly puts a smile on your face.

And then there are the ones that embrace a cozy and masculine feel, with dark wood grain and leather, reminiscent of American steakhouses. No matter the style, one thing is for sure – the ambience in a Mongolian BBQ restaurant is unique.

The Smell of Food Entices You

When you step into a Mongolian BBQ restaurant for the first time, the first thing that will strike you is the incredible smell. The fragrance of sizzling meats and vegetables fills the air, making your mouth water and your stomach rumble. You will quickly realize that the smell of food entices you in a way that is hard to resist.

This is because most Mongolian BBQ restaurants have an open kitchen or even a grill in the dining room, so the captivating aroma of freshly cooked food is always present. Be prepared to have your senses delighted as you take in the enticing smells of the delicious Mongolian cuisine.

You Get to Choose Exactly What You Want to Eat

When you walk into a Mongolian BBQ restaurant, get ready to be surprised! Unlike most restaurants where you pick from a menu, at a Mongolian BBQ, you get to choose exactly what you want to eat. It is like being your chef! The whole point of Mongolian BBQ is to have control over your meal.

You can choose your meats, vegetables, carbs, and anything else you want the chef to cook for you. It is like a personalized buffet. Just pile your plate high with all your favorites, hand it over to the chef, and watch as they cook up a delicious feast right in front of your eyes. So go ahead, be adventurous, and create your perfect dish!

Enjoy the Experience

When it comes to Mongolian BBQ, it’s not just about the food, it’s about the whole experience! Imagine walking into a restaurant and being greeted by a tantalizing aroma that immediately makes your mouth water. As you make your way to your table, you can’t help but notice the chefs cooking your meal right in front of you. It is like dinner and a show!

The sizzling of the ingredients on the hot grill is both mesmerizing and entertaining. And let’s not forget about the decor – vibrant colors and traditional artwork create an inviting atmosphere. So, take it all in – the sights, the smells, the whole experience. And when you finally get your plate of delicious Mongolian BBQ, you will know it was worth the wait.

Mongolian BBQ is a great experience, and here are some tips for your first trip to this style of restaurant.

Your first visit to a Mongolian BBQ restaurant is sure to be a unique and enjoyable experience. You will love the interactive cooking process, the vast array of fresh ingredients, and the delicious flavors that you can create. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new combinations – that’s half the fun! So, grab your bowl, load it up with your favorite meats and veggies, and prepare to savor the flavors of Mongolia. Enjoy!

Is Mongolian BBQ Healthy?

Have you ever asked if Mongolian BBQ is healthy? You see, Mongolian BBQ is a unique dining experience where you get to choose most of the ingredients that go into your bowl. Now, most of the ingredients are generally healthy, but it is ultimately up to you to decide what fits your nutritional needs. After all, everyone has a different definition of what’s healthy, right? So, let’s dig into the ingredients and figure out if we think Mongolian BBQ is a healthy choice.

You can Choose Ingredients for Your Mongolian BBQ Dish

Many people assume that Mongolian BBQ is an unhealthy option, but that is not necessarily true. One of the reasons why it can be a healthy choice is because you have the freedom to choose the ingredients you want.

When you go to a Mongolian BBQ restaurant, they typically let you choose at least one ingredient from each of these groups: meat or seafood, vegetables, noodles or rice, sauces, and spices.

In terms of meat or seafood, you can choose lean options like chicken, turkey, or shrimp. For vegetables, you can load up on nutrient-rich options like broccoli, spinach, and peppers. And for noodles or rice, you can choose whole grain options instead of white rice or refined noodles.

Now, let’s talk about sauces. Some sauces may be high in fat or salt, so it is important to choose them wisely. Opt for lighter options like soy sauce or vinegar-based dressings instead of heavy cream-based sauces. Making a Mongolian BBQ sauce at home is a great way to try out different flavors, just beware that home recipes tend to be high in sodium and sugars.

Lastly, let’s not forget about spices. This is where you can really enhance the flavor of your dish without adding extra calories or unhealthy ingredients. Some popular choices include garlic, ginger, and chili flakes.

Oil is Used in Cooking

Oil is one of those hidden ingredients that often sneaks into our food without us even realizing it. And when it comes to Mongolian BBQ, oil is in the mix.

You see, Mongolian BBQ is all about stir frying. The sizzling hot grill, the delicious veggies, and meats, it is a stir fry lover’s dream. But here’s the thing – stir frying requires fat to cook the food. And that is where the oil comes in.

Typically, vegetable oil is used in Mongolian BBQ. But some folks follow special diets where vegetable oil is not allowed. They prefer to avoid it and opt for other fats like butter or animal fat.

Just because oil is used in Mongolian BBQ, it does not automatically make it unhealthy. In fact, when used in moderation, oils can be a valuable and essential part of a balanced diet.

So, if you are worried about the healthiness of Mongolian BBQ, just remember that it is all about the choices you make. You can ask the chef to use less oil or even opt for healthier oils like olive oil or coconut oil.

There Are Vegetarian Options, but Beware

When it comes to Mongolian BBQ, there are vegetarian options available, so all the vegetarians out there can rejoice! You have the freedom to select all the ingredients for your meal, which means you can easily opt for a meatless dish. But here’s the thing – your meal will most likely be cooked on the same surface as the meat. This means there could be traces of meat in your dish. To be on the safe side, it is always a promising idea to double-check with the restaurant before diving into your vegetarian Mongolian BBQ.

The excitement of a Mongolian BBQ is that you get to essentially get to select your ingredients. However, you don’t know everything that is going into your food to make it taste so good. If you are health conscious, cooking Mongolian BBQ at home ensures that you know every ingredient, but you miss out on the atmosphere and enjoyment of the dining experience.

Mongolian BBQ can be a healthy dining option. The power is in the hands of the customer to choose the ingredients, allowing for a customized and potentially nutritious meal. So, go ahead and enjoy your Mongolian BBQ guilt-free!

Land Surveys for Restaurant Construction

We have this amazing restaurant in San Diego, but our small outdoor patio just isn’t cutting it anymore. Our customers love it, but the wait for outdoor seating is way too long. That’s why we’re expand our patio and make sure our customers can dine al fresco to their heart’s content.

The beautiful Southern California weather is ideal for outdoor eating for a majority of the year. So the investment in an outdoor patio will certainly pay off.

One thing we didn’t consider before we started the project was the land surveying that needed to be done. There were actually several types of surveys that we needed prior, during, and after the project. We will break down the process and all the surveys required to make this project happen!

Boundary Survey and Topographical Survey

The first step was to obtain a boundary survey and a topographical survey. Due to our location, we needed a land surveyor in San Diego, so we hired San Diego Land Surveyors for this important step. We interviewed several surveying companies, and we found San Diego Land Surveyors to be the best, most accurate, very affordable, with excellent customer service.

Now, you might be wondering, what’s the point of these surveys?

The boundary survey determined the exact boundaries of the property. This is crucial because it provided a clear idea of how much space we had to work with. Knowing the boundaries will also helped us brainstorm and come up with ideas on what we could do with the area.

The topographical survey is equally important. This survey will provided us with information about the natural and man-made features of the land. It showed things like slopes, elevations, and any existing structures on the property. This information is crucial for the architect who designed the space. It helped them understand the existing conditions of the site and come up with a design that was both practical and visually appealing.

These surveys were not just for our own benefit. They were also necessary for our contractor to obtain building permits from the Planning and Development Services. These permits were a requirement prior to starting construction on the project.

Before we started swinging hammers and pouring concrete, we made sure to get those boundary and topographical surveys done.

Construction Layout Survey and Staking

Construction Layout Survey and Staking played a crucial role in the actual construction of the project. By conducting a layout survey, the building contractor gained a clear understanding of the project requirements and its scope. This survey provided the contractor with valuable information regarding the proper placement of major components, such as the concrete footing, the addition for the new restrooms, and entrances.

Through construction staking, the precise locations for these components were marked, ensuring accuracy during the construction process. Overall, the construction layout survey and staking were essential steps in creating a well-planned and efficient restaurant construction project.

Elevation Certificate

When our construction project at the existing restaurant was finished, it was important to obtain an elevation certificate. This certificate allowed us to update your flood insurance, especially since we were located in a FEMA flood zone.

The elevation certificate was necessary because it provided valuable information about the height and elevation of our restaurant’s structure in relation to potential flood levels. This helped determine the level of risk and the appropriate insurance coverage needed. We made sure to obtain the elevation certificate to ensure the safety and protection of our restaurant against any potential flood damage.

Surveys played a crucial role in our restaurant construction project. It’s crucial to hire a surveyor who delivers accurate results, follows local codes, meets deadlines, and offers exceptional customer service. This will ensure a successful and smooth construction process.

We were fortunate to hire San Diego Land Surveyors. They were able to provide each one of the necessary surveys for our project. They were experts in surveying, they knew and addressed the local codes, and they completed all of our surveys quickly. Our architect and general contractor were also exceptionally pleased with the results and how easy San Diego Land Surveyors was to work with for every survey they completed for us.