Have you ever asked if Mongolian BBQ is healthy? You see, Mongolian BBQ is a unique dining experience where you get to choose most of the ingredients that go into your bowl. Now, most of the ingredients are generally healthy, but it is ultimately up to you to decide what fits your nutritional needs. After all, everyone has a different definition of what’s healthy, right? So, let’s dig into the ingredients and figure out if we think Mongolian BBQ is a healthy choice.

You can Choose Ingredients for Your Mongolian BBQ Dish

Many people assume that Mongolian BBQ is an unhealthy option, but that is not necessarily true. One of the reasons why it can be a healthy choice is because you have the freedom to choose the ingredients you want.

When you go to a Mongolian BBQ restaurant, they typically let you choose at least one ingredient from each of these groups: meat or seafood, vegetables, noodles or rice, sauces, and spices.

In terms of meat or seafood, you can choose lean options like chicken, turkey, or shrimp. For vegetables, you can load up on nutrient-rich options like broccoli, spinach, and peppers. And for noodles or rice, you can choose whole grain options instead of white rice or refined noodles.

Now, let’s talk about sauces. Some sauces may be high in fat or salt, so it is important to choose them wisely. Opt for lighter options like soy sauce or vinegar-based dressings instead of heavy cream-based sauces. Making a Mongolian BBQ sauce at home is a great way to try out different flavors, just beware that home recipes tend to be high in sodium and sugars.

Lastly, let’s not forget about spices. This is where you can really enhance the flavor of your dish without adding extra calories or unhealthy ingredients. Some popular choices include garlic, ginger, and chili flakes.

Oil is Used in Cooking

Oil is one of those hidden ingredients that often sneaks into our food without us even realizing it. And when it comes to Mongolian BBQ, oil is in the mix.

You see, Mongolian BBQ is all about stir frying. The sizzling hot grill, the delicious veggies, and meats, it is a stir fry lover’s dream. But here’s the thing – stir frying requires fat to cook the food. And that is where the oil comes in.

Typically, vegetable oil is used in Mongolian BBQ. But some folks follow special diets where vegetable oil is not allowed. They prefer to avoid it and opt for other fats like butter or animal fat.

Just because oil is used in Mongolian BBQ, it does not automatically make it unhealthy. In fact, when used in moderation, oils can be a valuable and essential part of a balanced diet.

So, if you are worried about the healthiness of Mongolian BBQ, just remember that it is all about the choices you make. You can ask the chef to use less oil or even opt for healthier oils like olive oil or coconut oil.

There Are Vegetarian Options, but Beware

When it comes to Mongolian BBQ, there are vegetarian options available, so all the vegetarians out there can rejoice! You have the freedom to select all the ingredients for your meal, which means you can easily opt for a meatless dish. But here’s the thing – your meal will most likely be cooked on the same surface as the meat. This means there could be traces of meat in your dish. To be on the safe side, it is always a promising idea to double-check with the restaurant before diving into your vegetarian Mongolian BBQ.

The excitement of a Mongolian BBQ is that you get to essentially get to select your ingredients. However, you don’t know everything that is going into your food to make it taste so good. If you are health conscious, cooking Mongolian BBQ at home ensures that you know every ingredient, but you miss out on the atmosphere and enjoyment of the dining experience.

Mongolian BBQ can be a healthy dining option. The power is in the hands of the customer to choose the ingredients, allowing for a customized and potentially nutritious meal. So, go ahead and enjoy your Mongolian BBQ guilt-free!